The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty* gives me life —Job 33:04. Today is an appropriate time, the moment is now to feel the power of life, divine energy and vitality streaming and circulating throughout our body, mind, ideas and actions. We are literally the expression and out-picturing of divine life and substance, a divine aliveness not here today and gone tomorrow. Divine energy in reality is who and what we are.  

In our decisions, thoughts and spiritual knowing, feeling our Oneness with the electrified and energized holy force of life, of good—we empower more of God sparkling substance and radiance to flow and create through and manifest around us.

We know our true oneness and we acknowledge each individual person everywhere as one with the highest and best creative intelligence and love expressing in this world as divine life. We celebrate the manifestation of pure, healthy and vital dancing substance filled life propelling and expressing the fullness and the glory of life in its various forms and expressiveness. 

The substance and experience of life is individual as real and alive essence through each one of us. We acknowledge the universal life force as the reality of every living and breathing thing. The victory and celebration of healing, of renewal and regeneration is happening in this instant, in us, in our family members, our pets, animals, in nature and each natural and manifest creation. 

We humans are phenomenal, individual life expressions. We pledge to use our power and energized sparkling life force for the good and greater contribution of promoting inventiveness, joy, love and liberty as present and unfolding for every living, breathing expression. “We are divinely designed and we honor our sacred nature through acts of true giving and balanced, thankful living” Revfrieda.

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