I invite you to join in oneness as we know the Truth and speak of appreciation for the Divine Presence of Protection. 

In Prayer: I am one with the One Presence and Power God. The holy light and ever-available love covers me with a shield of divine light and Godly protection. I am divinely protected at all times and in every way. Including the physical; yet not limited to my physical abode. My home, land and belongings are under the absolute care and held in Omnipresent light and divinely protected at all times.

What is more, my loved ones are now and in all-ways divinely protected. No harm comes to them and no harm goes out from them. I see each dear and loved one acting in the highest wisdom and expressing unconditional and untainted love.

The light of the Divine Presence surrounds me; the Love of God enfolds me; the Power of God protects me; the presence of God watches over me; Wherever I am God is and all is well, Amen.

I am Divine light; I express saint like love; I am the power of the Divine in action; and I am in every way protected and provided for by God’s presence, power and grace. I am One with God now and eternally so, Amen.

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