Wayne Dyer said: “Transformation literally means going beyond your form.” It is at times such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and the approaching new year that we might turn our hearts to higher things. Challenges also bring such thoughts and feelings on. We have an urge to look beyond to an improved image a higher state of mind. 

What may help us step up beyond disheartening appearances, thoughts and ideas is looking to what our way showers and master teachers have done. They entertained personal transformation.

Often Jesus kept the company of Peter, James and John. He took them with him up to the mount of Transfiguration. He sought higher ground with three individuals who where like minded and spiritually attuned. 

We do not have to go off to a mountain or maybe we do. Higher ground in consciousness can be attained through sitting on our meditation cushion or in quiet contemplation anywhere. There is some new age music to meditate with and help bring relaxation and steady our attention on spiritual things.

What’s more, transformation is a quality of who we are. It is within our ability and nature. We need a desire to release our hold on the material scene and rise within on wings of faith and love. Wisdom will guide us in our focus toward relaxation and venture forth into light, love and spiritual altitude. 

Transformation is possible for us when we dwell on light and power, when we let go and view life with a renewed outlook, and when we lift from non forgiveness. Transformation of conditions, circumstances and limiting beliefs is within our individual capability and holy nature.

It is simple enough. Step by step we rise as Jesus and his companions did. We rise as we walk up the inner realm of consciousness with prayer and the stillness of meditation, breathing deeply and rising higher into the spiritual atmosphere where transformation takes place in us through the omnipresence of God’s grace.

We are always one with God. As we seek the light of the divine presence and power within, we soon discover a transcendent and transformative energy, love and state of being.

We carry this transcendence with us as we live life and view people and experiences from a higher and light-filled perspective.

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