The Week that Changed the World”
Many people across the world read the New Testament accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings. As we read sacred texts of different religions and spiritual movements so do many others worldwide. It’s gratifying to know our world of people share in each other’s revered and holy writings.
When Jesus made his modest entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of what is named — The Holy Week — it out-pictured great faith, meekness, inner strength and dedication to an alive purpose within his soul.
He faced his foes, those who planned and plotted to do him in. A bending and flexible nature looks challenges in the face and knows: I am greater than appearances and fear. I Am That I Am. Meaning, I am a spiritual being given the power and fortitude to live the guidance and purpose stirring me to action and accomplishment. Conditions and others’ opinions do not deter me.
Jesus triumphantly and respectfully entered Jerusalem. And the people laid palm fronds before him so as to represent and celebrate the greatness within the human being who is awake to his and her divinity. Palm fronds are symbolic of victory and triumph.
What’s more, when we accept the path before us we do so united with a higher and truer energy and belief that success and good outcomes are ours by divine right and by divine inheritance. It is so now. We stand in our holiness and move with the light of inspiration and the divine capability given to us as we do. Amen.