“Meditation for Every Day”
This moment brings newness, freshness and release from attachment to left-over thoughts of the past, of a second ago. I liberate myself in present mind thinking and being. With a meditative tone and a decision, I invite calm and stillness to be realized in my entire nature — quieting thoughts, the physical body and feelings.
I breathe with the idea of serenity and peace. Closing my eyes if that feels comfortable to do. Asking silently for my whole being to relax into the presence of Love and Light. With the intention to surrender to some moments of meditation:
I deepen even more into quietness and calm and rest in a time of silence poised in listening softly.
There is a natural tendency for peace within me. I call on the quality of ease and bliss within to drench my self from head to toe, simultaneously surrounding me in an atmosphere of tranquility.
I continue with a sense of calm and stillness, and open to an inner receptivity of inner wisdom, an inside spiritual light of love and affirmation for who and what I am, an offspring of a higher realization, a finer being of light, love, power, intelligence and potentiality. I rest with knowing these precious innermost qualities are inherently natural and present.
I recall: I am a spiritual being, living in a spiritual universe; and governed by an indwelling spiritual purpose and reason for being. I rest knowing my higher nature and I are one. I am more than I thought I was. I am one who shines with divine presence and power.
Life is for me, the Universe enfolds me and lifts my spirits. I see things from an inspired vantage point. I have freely united with the Source of life, the true essence of my being. I belong; I am cherished; I am restored.
Thank you blessed Divinity, Source, God, inner Presence of Light and Love. I rejoice in knowing God and I are One now and eternally so, Amen.