“Divine Justice”
Divine Justice is first a divine idea which at its essence is the power of love and wisdom pure and originating of God. The idea of justice born of spiritual light changed character and definition from Old Testament (OT) time on into New Testament (NT) stories and writings.
The Divine super being, God was vengeful, destructive and all-powerfully scary in the Old Testament. Albeit sometimes the (OT) God was compassionately loving and kind with generosity and care.
Jesus, through the writers and stories of the (NT) clarified and reimaged Justice into the manifestation and spiritual activity of grace and unconditional love. Divine Justice was a quality of a loving and forgiving God, one who would wipe away our missteps, actions and mistakes with a Divine eraser, giving us a clean slate and new beginning.
There was and is a catch — that we repent and change our error ways. Today we call the process of repenting as realizing our mistakes and release the guilt, learn the lesson and live renewed expressing love, wisdom and good works for the betterment of ourselves and humanity.
We can revitalize our understanding of Divine Justice. Whatever our idea of Infinite wisdom and recompense may be, come to know it is the action of a loving God to bestow to its loving and learning offspring pure love, grace and freedom from past misjudgments and mistakes.
In daily life we can align with Divine Justice in any legal involvement, when we feel something or someone is being unfair to us or a loved one or person we know. Pure spiritual Justice can be activated at any time and during times of loss and hardship. It is always available within us and our life experiences.
Furthermore, we have a foundation of power-filled Divine Justice of love and wisdom, grace and the divine will of good inside us and forever in our midst. By calling upon Divine Justice the aliveness of the idea will fill our hearts and the minds and actions of persons, places and manifestations with the highest care, good will, intent and outcome in legal and concerning matters, and helpless/hopeless situations.
We give thanks for Divine Love and Justice that runs through our veins and entire life. We know the activity of Divine Justice is equally for and within every person and life form everywhere. Amen, we are so grateful.