“Self Approval Part 1 of 2”
I quote a minister friend: “I am grateful for wisdom and knowing that I Am enough just as I Am.” To express the treasures within us, our divine nature, our wisdom, empathy, gifts and brave qualities residing inside, we are to like, love and approve of who we are and realize we are OK as we are.
The most challenging time to accept our whole self is when someone or a group of people disapprove of something we did, expressed or wrote. As well, those times when we believe we have let our self down are key times to support our growing and evolving expression. Self-denial and rejection can sap us of creativity and progress.
Therefore, when we have let ourselves down. That is, we have not lived up to our own expectations or the expectations of another or others. Such moments can feel demoralizing and depressing to us as an individual. We want to hide perhaps or lay low.
It helps at these seemingly self-defeating times to talk to an uplifting and kind trusted friend, counselor or minister. So when we feel downcast or downhearted on ourselves we need to borrow the positive, loving energy of those who love us and who we can entrust our so to speak ‘naked’ self to without shame or blame.
What’s more, it is wonderful when it can be a family member who loves you dearly. They can serve to remind you of the beauty you are and the terrific contribution and difference you have already accomplished in the world around you. Continued with Part 2 in next Truth Message this Category.