“Getting Along”
A quote by Theodore Roosevelt states: “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” Sometimes it’s easy to get along with others and sometimes it takes effort, patience and creativity.
It certainly takes love in our hearts and setting an intention in mind to go the extra mile to get along and be accepting. What helped personally is identifying what has triggered me about another’s behavior, annoyances or ways.
Looking within ourselves is a great help. We have much to uncover within our own understanding capacity and emotional being when we search within ourselves and look at what is really bothering us about another person that seems to be upsetting us.
When we can identify the trigger or the vulnerability inside ourselves, we become more self-aware and can grow in that area. For instance, suppose you share an office space with a talkative person. She or he keeps their radio on and chats a lot to other people while you are trying to do your secretarial-administrative or other type of work.
You also may prefer a quieter working environment to do your best work. The co-workers constant chatting and radio sounds have become a distraction and stressful to you.
Usually we desire to do the right thing and not tick a coworker off or be rude to them. It is best not to act impulsively or angrily. Usually hard to take back or make amends. Giving the challenge our best and responding in the highest manner is the way to go.
We do not have to rush at having answers and solutions. Sometimes they come in a flash and sometimes with time, contemplation and being clear about what is going on inside ourselves.
Prayer, being silent in prayer, and asking for wisdom and how to handle the situation are helpful divine solutions. By doing so we usually realize the great wealth of creativity, wisdom and wealth of ability and know-how inside ourselves.
Certainly, we want the best for ourselves and another. Again having our intention set on being love and compassion along with the movement of wisdom flowing through us are wonderful intentions that bring peaceful and agreeable solutions forth.
Taking our time to know ourselves better, to wait upon our wisdom, love and divine direction to move in us and in the situation and person or persons of concern are beneficial helps and ways for satisfying outcomes to take place. In this way we evolve as a person and usually become closer and more compatible with another and others — a winning resolution for all.
Furthermore, these same ideas are applicable in a family or social setting.