“Mother Energy”
I have inquired within and wonder —
Without mothers would there be clean kitchens? Would there be as much healing love in the world? How about MADD. Would the movement exist? Would I, a daughter own a vacuum cleaner without my mother’s gift of one. Would there be enough desire in the world to be kind instead of hateful? Would there have been any marches on Washington D.C. because things didn’t seem right? Would intelligence dominate without the balance of intuitive knowing? Mom’s medicine of a pot of chicken soup—would there be anything as rejuvenating to replace it?
How about the Mother’s healing touch? Without mom the baby would miss the mother energy of love and wholesome nurturing. Where would the world be without the feminine balance to offset the masculine conquering tendency? Our sons and daughters, grand-children, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews plus any acquired children are richly blessed because of the mothering presence. Besides, who would be around to soften the masculine if it were not for the female?