“Keeper of Serenity”
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.” –Anonymous. We may feel at times as though we are in the middle of a fish bowl with no where to hide from disruptions, news reports and disorder. The reality is we are not living in a fish bowl.
We have the ability to live in peace even in the presence of CNN, Fox News, other’s opinions and people going here and there and doing this or that. We have dominion of our state of being. Recall Victor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor of the Nazi Germany concentration camps. He survived the horrifying ordeal by taking command of his mind and by not reacting to the harshness of the camp guards around him.
He used the one thing he had control over — his own thoughts, ideas and images. This must have taken great inner strength and mighty fortitude. However his very survival was at stake. Would he ever see his family again? Would he walk out of the concentration camp sane and alive? Of course Victor Frankl wanted and did do both.
His story and how he used his inner freedom of choice in directing his own inner power and not reacting to the display of crazed authority surrounding him stands for a mighty and transformative message for you and I in much kinder settings.
Nevertheless we do seem to be living in both a comfortable and uncomfortable time in American history. With some people in our own Country and in other parts of the world who face fear every day and unsurmountable challenges.
We must bring it back to our individual life. How do we want to live? By other people and negative news, talk and gossip etcetera. We are the ones to choose the tone and pulse of our life. It’s our inner power, thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs and clean desires of our hearts.
We have the God given mastery within each one of us to rise above and bring peace, love and uplifting actions into our households, workplace and in every day life. We are the ones that can choose to smile and accept a person who has their hair colored purple or rings in their face. We can give peace and understanding to a messy neighbor and stranger.
We hold the keys to our own happiness, liberation or misery. By the way we are created, we have the inner equipment and resolute determination to be the one to affirm the holy in every situation, place and person — the sacred power in us and in our neighbor, boss, family members coworkers, friends and all people. Remembering, there are people who have faced and risen above things we hope to never confront.
They are mirroring what every human being has within them. You — wonderful, capable you — are holy made and are doing great things in ordinary life and in challenging circumstances. Amen.