“The Love Idea”
Before Divine Love was fully explained and exemplified, a piece of humanity was dramatically missing. Looking closer at the idea, if we, a group, company or individual seem off or out of balance, it most likely is a lack of the expression of love.
When we observe ourselves and realize love is missing from thoughts, actions and communications, we can begin letting love circulate through us flowing into everything we are and do. It will be dramatic, the change that will occur.
In a split second when we remember love—the greatest power and force in the universe—our demeanor shifts and everything begins to change for the better.
Compassion, empathy, joy, generosity and equanimity are each ideas springing from Divine Love—the kind Jesus revealed and put into practice, the enlightenment and action of Buddha after a time of being flooded with the Truth and Reality of Being, our being — you and I.
Many people and expressions of life since the first light of the creation and evolution of existence appearing through form, love has been present in the center of each living creature.
Life has come a long way since the amoeba, the first one-celled life form we know of thus far. It has been the unconditional and unadulterated impetus of love expanding through life, in the consciousness and substance of each human being, causing the capacity and power of love to grow in the human heart.
We know it now as spiritual love, the love of God/Divine Spirit. And when we awaken to and use our Divine gift of love, the impossible things advance and undergo a change and transform for the better. The change is evident and palpable in us and in those circumstances and people in our lives.
Our expression and life events adjust and harmonize into joy happening, bringing forward from the creative force of love itself the needed adjustment for life’s miracle of goodness to appear. It is the Divine Power of Love bringing its gift of well-being and equanimity of the nature of God through human life expressions and conditions.