Easter Message: “Fearlessness” Part II
Easter Message, Part II: Jesus died then made his appearances to resurrect, save, uplift and set free spiritual Truths. These truths were not only meant for holy people. For, we are, every one of us regardless of outer looks or birth, holy made and designed.
Jesus left the earth as he did to save and dramatically unlock and let loose universal-spiritual tenets and revelations into the Godly inheritance which is within, inclusively, in each human being.
He, Jesus faced and went through the cross experience to prove, claim and tell of the greatest Truths alive and resting inside every human expression. These verities are meant not exclusively for saints and sages, religious leaders and certain religions. Not only for the people of the city, country and royalty, bestowed to every one of us unreservedly.
The sacred essence of our being is freely indwelling as the image and likeness divine. Jesus let loose the imprisoned human potentials, untainted principles and inherited divine designs to be known, available, and realized by you, me and every one of us.
Would we have been so impressed by the Jesus’ Truths if he did not make such a profound statement of Truth during his lifetime and if he would not have left the world in less of a dramatic way? I do not know.
Yet we know his parting words, his experiences during what is known as the holy week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday are nothing less than profound and mightier than death itself.
His precepts, stories, miracles and statements of divine truths are being realized within each one of us not because we have to be of a certain ethnicity or religious practice, no. By the nature of who we each are, God’s own, divine off-springs, holy ordained.
With every breath Jesus made he wanted his disciples, the multitude that followed him around during his ministry; he wanted us, man, woman and child, to live by and from our nobility as spirit-made, eternally blessed, and God powered to give without delay, our inmost specialness inherent and at hand.