If my body feels it may need an extra boost to stay robust and healthy or simply maintain wellness, I consider these things–

I choose regular doses of love, fresh air if possible, pure and blessed water, and adequate times of relaxation and going apart to pray, reflect, read, meditate, or simply sit in quietness and do nothing. I listen for guidance and take care of my physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional expression with child-like easiness.

Furthermore, if I am unable to go apart or go outdoors, I begin wherever I am to breath consciously, more deeply if guided to do so and relax with each breath. I speak silently or audibly that I am in the midst of perfect life and perfect love.

I may be led to converse with an uplifting friend, taking in the feeling of friendship and camaraderie. I also remind myself that I am never alone. The Divine Spirit is with me–communication with the Divine is a now thing and always the right time.

I know within: Through the mighty power inside and with me, I am the authority of my being. I release and let go any and all fear thoughts and feelings. I release and let go the idea of two powers. There is one power God the absolute goodness here and as me, indwelling. I am enfolded in the warm radiance of Divine Spirit’s comfort and peace, which I feel throughout my being. I am centered in these Truths of being.

God and I are forever one. All things work for my good. In addition, I see all people blessed. I am free from any concerns about myself, any one or any thing.

I honor my inner wisdom and intuition and follow my highest guidance with ease and grace.

I am free, serene, and glow with well-being. Thank you God, Amen.

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