“Whose Responsible”
In personal forgiveness work, who is responsible when there is need of release and forgiveness? If you or I hold unforgiving thoughts about anyone or some thing, they are our thoughts and we need to be about forgiveness.
Therefore the first movement in forgiving is to take responsibility for unforgiving thoughts, ideas, mental pictures, feelings and actions. We need to forgive ourselves.
Give understanding to self. We cease with any condemnation of ourselves and get about restoring our consciousness to a loving, forgiving and compassion filled, clear state of mind and emotions.
Decidedly, join with love, not our own love, divine love. The kind Jesus revealed from the cross. (We let our heart wed with the heart of God.) Next, we direct our conscious awareness to the highest love we know: An action of letting the pristine and untainted love circulate in us and become our renewed state of mind, awareness and conscious knowing.
We let love rule and renew us. We think and feel divine love. The forgiving practice continues to work its healing activity in us as we let love be who we are.
We stay centered in God’s love if or when we wander or are tempted to give unforgiving thoughts an avenue for expression. Steadfast, we turn and recommit to the movement of love in our actions and state of mind and heart.
Honestly, kind and thoughtful acts keep love flowing in and around us. We are in a healing and healed state of affairs. It is a terrific state to be in. Actually, it is our truest state of living life, expressing from love.
Have the revitalizing holy power of love be our prominent and centered mode of being.
Thus, we let love loose in us and the presence of love emits the mightiest healing power there is—the restorative, cleansing, wholesome and healed state of living, being and doing.
Love is quick to revitalize, to perform and manifest in awe inspired and super human ways. We keep with faith in the miracle power of God love and enjoy living in our kingdom of loving state.