“Roundtable Wisdom”
A quote reads, “The beginning of wisdom is to desire it,” —Solomon Ibn Gabirol. Let’s visualize our hearts open and the wisest people sitting with us at our round table for a discussion on receiving; and to become open to receive the wisdom we seek for our most pressing requirements now.
Whenever we ask, and sometimes when we do not have to ask —when we become receptive with childlike acceptance—we find the answers come, surface and are profoundly understandable by us.
If wisdom has a price, it is our response of thankfulness for having the innate ability and light to be vessels for guidance, the still small voice, messages from within and coming from anywhere and anyone at any time and routinely.
What a gift, the blessedness of wise, clear and refreshing instruction. Myrtle Fillmore, cofounder of the Unity Movement is sitting at our roundtable. We can visibly see her childlike aura of welcoming higher knowing into her life and mind, not just for a moment in time—consistent acceptance of knowledge and inspiration from higher comprehension.
Then, Myrtle turns to her right and asks H. Emilie Cady for her insights into wisdom. Dr. Cady responds, “We talk to God—that is prayer; God talks to us—that is inspiration. –H. Emilie Cady.
Eric Butterworth is present here too. He adds: “God is in you as the ocean is in the wave.” Knowing this he states to keep in mind the following: “Infinite mind will put ideas into your mind, words into your mouth, creativity into your hands, boundless opportunity before you, and guiding light on your way.” —Eric Butterworth.
I have a friend who during the time and day of September 11, 2001 was off of news, took a sabbatical from listening to news reports. However, on that morning at about ten minutes before 9:00am he was intuitively guided to turn on his TV. To his surprise and astonishment he saw the entire event unfold. He had been guided to turn on his television set moments before the terrifying events occurred.
It was December 17, 1975, I woke from sleep about 6:00 am on a Saturday morning, unusually early for a Saturday. I could not go back to sleep. Something kept me awake. After a few hours of by the way getting a lot done the phone rang. Also I pause to let you know I was prompted to begin Christmas shopping early, which is rare for me. I began around the first of December and by December 17th was finished. I was astonished.
At about 9:30 am the phone rang that Saturday morning. It was the police from Macon, Georgia informing the King residence my nineteen year old borother-in-law who just finished basic training at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina was killed instantly when the driver lost control of the car and hit a pole.
Needless to say, I fell into shock and disbelief. The point is my inner guidance system woke me up earlier and wanted me wide awake and there in the kitchen to answer the emergency phone call. I was able to inform the family with grace even though very shook inside. Something Godly carried the King family through that Christmas of 1975.
Our intuition works wonders in us. I share a wisdom quote: “The unseen power omniscient pours itself through us in unique ways just what we need to know at the opportune times without fail,” —revfrieda. We are truly grateful for our wisdom faculty and receptive ability to receive clear guidance and inner strength to carry out, openly coming to you, me and our neighbors freely and profoundly now and consistently, Amen.