“Ghost Update”
I wrote a Truth Message titled “Ghosts” a month or so ago. Within a week of having the experience of a ghost in the house, we received a message from the younger sister of my husband’s cousin. His cousin was also a good friend. Unknown to us, the cousin was hospitalized and near death.
The moment I heard the distressing news I understood why a ghost had visited our household. He/she was trying to get my attention and convey to us something was up we needed to know about and immediately. I’m not sure how ghost energies are directed. Yet there is divine intelligence at work constantly in our lives.
As we know angels metaphysically speaking are interpreted as ‘messengers from God.’ Angels convey divine wisdom, protection and divine intervention. They are saving graces sent into our lives. Ghosts have similar assignments — they have a purpose to convey something important.
My husband’s cousin wanted us to know she was dying. She lives many, many hours from us. So travel was out of the question. Even though, we have been close to the cousin. She wanted our love and attention, our awareness of what was going on—a very normal and strong desire when any of us are exiting the earth plane.
I knew it was a ghost in the house. I could see his or her shadow passing by. Then I would fill with tingling, likened to goose bumps flowing over my entire body. This is not a daily occurrence. It is rare. That is how I knew.
Then with the knowledge of the cousin making her transition, the puzzle was solved. I am grateful for the experience and further insight into the workings of divine intelligence and invisible yet profound ways needed messages are conveyed. First Ghost Truth Message is posted in Angels & Ghosts Category.