“Santa Claus Love”
“Bring Love into every department and facet of your life and your health and prosperity will abound.” –revfrieda. The Santa Claus spirit of generosity has been around since 280 CE or Common Era and continues to this day.
I heard a comedian recently try to convince his listening audience there was no such thing as Santa Claus. He worked hard at choosing his words and images to convince the weary listener—there is no Santa Claus.
I was not happy after his comedic gig. Why take away and try to destroy the long-held idea of a generous and happy St. Nicholas, who evolved into the modern Santa Claus in each of us. The St. Nicholas idea goes hand and hand with an open heart of love and giving at Christmas.
The Santa Claus spirit harmonizes and fits with Christmas, Jesus birth and His mission on earth. The idea of selfless giving was incorporated in Jesus nature and life accomplishment. He promoted giving to the poor, helpless and even the wealthy. Everyone needs people to love and give to them no matter their sex, age, race or economic stature.
What is worth promoting, worth acting on is our inner Christ Spirit of giving generously without thought of return. Return is built into the giving. Receiving is God given in the act of opening our heart and pouring out the inner gifts of loving and giving without doubt, fear or concern of return.
Why? Because the Universe we live in abounds with shining invisible substance constantly becoming visible according to the extent of our willingness to believe; believe in what; in the abundance idea of divine circulation and giving and receiving.
Of course the comedian’s prerogative was to take an opposite approach to the Santa Claus spirit with a ‘bah humbug’ reaction to giving without thought.
In regard to denial of the Spirit of Giving or the question of withholding or giving forth—we as individuals can make our personal decisions on what produces happiness and well-being inside and manifesting outwardly as joy and love multiplied.