“Be Forgiving”
Be forgiving and accept Good Fortune when she knocks and moves in our life. We each and all deserve good will, opportunities and love! One way we stay open to Divine Good and general good in life is to be forgiving to self and all others whether we like them or not.
Jesus our Master Teacher made no exceptions to spontaneous forgiveness. He said: Forgive regardless, forgive now. What a gift to give ourselves at the end of the year, forgiveness. Since forgiving is Akin with love–we hug ourselves, shake off any unloving thoughts and ideas and breathe in pure God love.
We love and are kind with ourselves and give mercy and the grace of forgiveness to those we know to forgive. Amen. I live free and clear in love with life.
Affirming: I show love for myself and everyone as I loosen up and spread love along with forgiving release to each soul on Earth. In this way of living, I am free and unblocked able to see and accept the storehouse of grace-filled fortune along with expected and surprising Good landing at my door step and in my lap. In thankfulness, Amen. “We are open to receive Divine Abundance.”