Oomph–Gifts of a New Year, Season, Month or Day
With the blast of a new year, season or month, we observe the two faces of Janus the Roman God representative of January with one looking forward and free of the past. While the other face of Janus looks from the past and remembers his lessons well learned.
With the energy of Janus we have double the wisdom and energy to start anew and accomplish our heart’s desire. Ever mindful of what we have acquired, what we leave behind.
We march into January fresh and replenished with the strength to finish or begin renewed. Likewise, each of us is led by our dream and vision to keep on with what we have begun or begin.
In a time of quiet I open deeply to feel God’s glory and peace. I ask and listen for the direction and know-how I need to build and create with originality and appeal.
I receive the rest, peace and assurance I crave with a rekindled spirit to do what is speaking within for me to fulfill. So grateful for a new year and for the momentum to keep on. Amen. “I fill with new zeal and do the things before me as I answer the inner promptings to act.”