Comfort and Peace of God
I relax in the quietude of the comforting light of God within. I let my mind rest on Divine things. I breathe and let go. I allow peace to fill my body, mind and space around me. The sweet peace of God ever prevails and is alive within me and wherever I am and go.
I breathe and allow sweet thoughts to lift me now. Sweet thoughts that the truest love in the midst of me is my companion in whatever I am doing and wherever I am. I take a some moments now and acknowledge the power of love within me, the wisdom readily here guiding me.
I am brave and secure knowing the Truth of me is not only a mere human. The Truth is God is and I Am. I am strengthened by the Spirit that indwells me, I am given the life essence and Source which upholds me not in some ways, in all ways.
With courage of heart I am tireless in doing good. Likewise the attractive quality of love fills my life with divine surprises and graces as I do those things called upon from within to do.
I pause and take some serene moments and still, become still and witness the light of Spirit present here and everywhere present.
I am grateful for the infilling of peace, for courage to act as directed by the clear light of the wisdom of knowing and for the love of God eternally strengthening me, filling my life with grace and well-being. In gratitude for the rich gifts of Spirit, Amen. In Affirmation: “I bravely move forward, guided by Spirit in all I do.”