Let’s sit down at the table as if we are in the company of Spiritual and Prosperous Thinkers along with living and practicing their talk. What would they say?

More importantly, what would we say. Think of the highest truth thoughts and practices we know to do with living a prosperous life with no money challenges. Visualize this statement as though it is so for you and I and anyone else, including everyone. 

Prosperity is vast—it is unlimited. Has no bottom or top. Prosperity is. And it is according to our thoughts, feelings and use of money and our tangible good. 

One of my inner prosperity gurus tells me we keep on sharing our money and tangible good. I do with joy and gratitude. 

Circulate your excess clothes, kitchen items and things you have not touched or used in years. Our things we have outgrown or no longer give attention to can be circulated, giving it forth. People are constantly looking for bargains and second hand items of every kind. 

Two other important points we will exercise in this moment and pledge to be consistent with: Giving thanks regularly for the money and tangible things we have; for instance our good running car, air conditioned home that suits our taste and living in an environment of love fostered by us and the generous expression of love and good will.

We want to bless people, all people. We are each a person, loved by God. Albeit, some have not woken up to the vibrant Divine Truth. We want good for ourselves and for everyone. And we help those near and far to awaken and expand in Divine Light by our choice to awaken beyond yesterday’s awareness. 

We see people prospering. We pray people well. We see all immigrants as children of God, at peace and finding a safe home and dwelling place deserved of all God’s children. No matter how charged this idea politically. We move beyond politics into the Kingdom of God. We affirm all of us are provided for and loved.

We affirm: We are prosperous and filled with new light of understanding, daily manna, inner and outer happiness and enriching friendships.

We give and it is given and apply the outstanding yet simple law of abundance on a routine basis. We circulate what we no longer need or use. And we give of ourselves along with tangible monies as we spread our good, our smile, our kindness around generously. We are genuine and grateful we live in God’s care and keeping, Amen.

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