“At Home”
When my husband and I went to the supermarket this afternoon the traffic was light. However, coming home traffic was still light. Many people are working at home. Most TV personalities such as comedians are set up at home to broadcast on their show.
How are we the general population in America doing with the Pandemic? Speaking from personal experience husband and I are doing well. We do go out shopping just not as frequently. We are enjoying life at home during these times of cancelled social gatherings.
Life seems to have slowed down. I feel calm. Staying home more is working out fine. I find lots to do with periods of taking it easy. It is nice to have time for conversation with my spouse and relatives by phone, mail or via cell phone or internet. Too, we talk to our neighbors more. It’s nice.
People generally inside the home and inside grocery stores seem more understanding as if we have a common purpose to respect social distancing and covering our mouth and nose.
We are each and all taking the challenge to heart and caring for ourselves while honoring others desire to stay healthy. What an opportune time to give to one another our care, consideration and common courtesy.
Furthermore, with Easter this weekend many churches have stepped up and are live streaming the Sunday Easter Service. I know Unity of Houston Church on Unity Drive in Houston, Texas is live streaming.
Fortunately, I believe people are taking care and living life while practicing the things that will keep themselves and everyone else healthy.
For, what a blessing to give to self and others by being considerate and doing those things that add to our own health and happiness and other’s well being.
The serenity prayer comes to mind as apropos: “God grant me the serenity; To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference.”
These sayings feel strengthening also: “Let Go and Let God; Easy Does It; Live and Let Live; First Things First; One Day at a Time; Keep It Simple; Think; Listen and Learn.”
Have a wonderful Easter Weekend dear friends.