“If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself.” –Rollo May

Truth Message–To be true to our inner creative being requires daily reflection and moments alone to dwell in the creative essence of our nature. For instance, times such as walking or sitting in nature, new scenery, and playful activity prompt and open the way for our inner finer realm of originality to be known and expressed.

Creative people get comfortable with time off from the sometimes hectic pace of life. They take into consideration the communications of others; yet, value their inner-sight as precious. In addition, original and inventive people observe the world around them. In fact, creative types look for the mystical in the common.

Naturally, mindfulness is practiced–focusing on the moment, allowing the mind to be attentive to the surroundings and happenings of the moment. For, the scenery around us is ever changing. Hence, mindfulness is agreeing with what is in the here and now with appreciation.

To honor the inner urge for our spirituality (inner being), which is our creative and genuine nature, we follow the inclinations of the heart. Being prayerful, meditative moments, empathy, purposeful work, creative projects, writing, being with a friend, exercising, conscious breathing, reading, listening, contemplation, and being mindful foster inner spirituality and creative genius.

Certainly gardening brings well-being to the gardener and adds beauty to the landscape. Beside the inspired gardener honors the uniqueness of everything planted and growing.

Have fun today truly being yourself and following the desires of your heart to express and be your bona fide, divine individuality. Thus, your thoughts, ideas, and creations will come from your imaginative and novel energy within. And so we let it be.

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