“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” –John 14:27

Invitive and contemplative, let the twenty-seventh verse of John 14 speak the truth to you–just the inner knowledge you need.

We need our inner peace, those around us do to. The Planet wants the essence of peace to spread into everything and awaken the Omnipresence therein.

Each of us has a free square–meaning some part of us already has some understanding and experience of peace. Even though, we could be desirous of the knowledge of peace.

Perhaps it seems like a little trickle or a driving inner passion to unite with the peace of the inner divine nature, that which brings peace forward in us.

Once again, wisdom reports we have the perfect peace inside. We came with it. Yet it needs awakening. Then there are times in our lives when peace seems to evaporate. We may want peace more than ever at those times.

In the outer world of affairs calm and tranquility is present then diminishes like a cloud dissipates. It’s present then it is absorbed by outer clamor or inner commotion.

Steady and stabilizing peace is ever in us.  It has to be known in spiritual terms. We need to let the peace that surpasses human understanding be revealed to us by our focus and willingness. We remember in the quietude of our souls, in the quietness of nature, and in quiet moments–peace is right here.

In prayerfulness I still myself by reading John 14: 27 a few times more. I pause and be in the moment, giving my attention to a candle light, or a flower–allowing the self to become absorbed in the serenity and beauty of something alive with peace.

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