Nine-tenths of education is Encouragement.” –Anatole France

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda wrote on Emotions: “Mind comes from memory. so, too, do emotions. If we look at someone we barely know, we probably will not feel any particular emotion, but when we look at someone we love, after a long separation, we may feel flooded by emotions, as within our memory bank there are powerful memories.

“Through regular meditation we can harmonize emotions.

“Reach and maintain a state of equanimity where nothing, neither joy nor sorrow, can upset inner calmness.”

I have reached the state of the equanimity Paramahamsa describes not often enough thus far in my life. The state of being of inner repose regardless of outer peace or calamity seems all too infrequent. This of course is absent of any outer means to bring about equipoise. It is a spiritual and emotional harmony coming about from inner depths of super-consciousness.

Naturally, yoga, meditation, prayer combined with contemplation and meditation, spiritual silence, chanting, mindfulness, mindful walking and working, being in the presence of masters literally or through writings of the enlightened masters, moving with inspired creativity, spiritual singing and dancing plus more all serve to bring us into deeper spiritual realms of awareness and realization.

Encouraging words–spiritual consciousness is not far off. It can be 10 deep breaths away. We are not for one moment separate from our spiritual dimension and Christ realized states. Believe it.

We also recall the spiritual life is about going beyond the edge of our humanity, by entertaining spiritual ideas and participating in practices that openly invite the flow of the Kingdom of Spirit-filled consciousness, the inner Kingdom of grace.

We invite the spiritual flow when we are alive with divine ideas such as pure love. We actually become the action of holy love, peace, healing energy, inspired light, protecting power, and a saving grace. We are outlets for divine powers to be known in the world. Things change, people lighten and the world balances.  Good outcomes are furthered by being still and letting awakened divinity be known and overflow from within us.

You are invited to ‘Prayer of the Day’ for a meditation experience on awakened consciousness dated June 23, 2015.

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