“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” —Coco Chanel

What are we willing to express out loud through creativity, in words or actions? We commemorate the 4th of July and what the date stands for. The founding mothers and fathers acted in courage and boldly discussed and wrote their deep-hearted wishes for themselves and the newly forming United States.

It is beneficial to look within ourselves and hear what we stand for and know what we desire to move boldly on. What are we willing to do or to openly express? We do not want to lose the important self within who so willingly and proficiently does and will accomplish some very brave things.

We need to give ourselves and one another freedom to be who we are meant to be. It is heavenly liberation to feel what motivates and stirs our heart to action. Likewise, we have a free spirit  who has the divinely ordained right to act on the message of truth within at anytime and in any moment.

For instance, a Divine impulse along with an offer to help rises in me when there is a need in the outer for someone or something who needs an advocate. Things, events, or the people around them are not present or are unsupportive of the person who is being unfairly treated, challenged, depressed, or being abused.

My spouse on the other hand loves to solve problems and give little things to people whose lives will improve when they have the needed good or the added help in a challenging situation.

This Fourth of July weekend when our thoughts turn to the 1776 foundational victory that sprung from the God-ordained right to be free of oppression and to be an independent people through the Declaration of Independence:

Think of your own declaration of freedom as a reminder and the overwhelming approval to be the courageous individual you are who is guided to pour your love and energy into that which inspires you to greater clarity, creativity, and action in speaking and moving from your heart.

Of course our inner liberating aliveness is free and unlimited to be known and expressed in any day and in whatever occasion.

You are a vibrant expression and a special person chosen to be, give, and fulfill your wonderful inner divine directions, call and reason for being just as you are!

I embrace my boldness, granting myself the right to live as and express the spirited person I Am.

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