“I am Strong, Healthy, and Vigorous”
” Truth statements need to awaken, move and stretch us. In this way we shake up some long held beliefs and ideas that might be worn out and not in alignment with our inner wisdom, which can be providing us with flashes of insight into our inner dynamic wholeness—often referred to as our divine potential within that saints, way-showers, and Christ-like figures portray.
Intuitively we know the possibility exists to be physically strong, healthy and vigorous. We may feel that way now or have in the past, and want to demonstrate this statement of truth with consistency.
In addition, it also takes the whole self, the spiritual, human will, the emotional, and intellect working together in realizing our spirited affirmations.
If we want to align ourselves with and become the Truth statements we say in meditation, prayer, and everyday living, we can do one easy thing today to promote a feeling in us of living as a strong, healthy, and vigorous person or doing one easy thing that corresponds with any truth statement uttered.
Doing one, two, or three things harmonious with what our inner Divinity reveals we are capable of is invigorating, courageous, and usually adds joy to our lives. Hence, let’s be the action and feet of our power-filled words and spiritual ideas. We can do it because we each have done it before. We are already successful at moving beyond previous limitations. So we keep on keeping on in faith and fortitude. With gratitude for the Divine presence and power, Amen.
There is a companion prayer of the day, “The Truth Sets us Free.”
Truth statement “I am strong, healthy and vigorous” is a Daily Word affirmation.