“Our spiritual practice is not about accomplishing anything–not about winning or losing–but about ceasing to struggle and relaxing as it is.” —Pema Chodron

We are one with a dynamo power–God power and presence. In affirming, when we pray ours is to align and unite with the Spirit of life, of truth, of energy–the original Source of light and unlimited good. When we connect with our inner Spirit of Truth and give from there, we can relax and let the wholeness of Divine Spirit be, do, and fill the unfulfilled and the asked for need, prayer, and blessing. Then know it is done. And, with the understanding that Divine Spirit is everywhere present and immediately responsive.

The greatest activity of our humanity is to surrender to its Divinity, the Spirit of God within us. This is true for each person on earth. For we each are at our core holy and of the image and likeness of God.

In doing, praying, and moving forward we do so in the awareness of unity with the whole of Spirit indwelling. In this, we are at peace, we genuinely are open to be the voice, action, and unconditional love of God. We do the best we can do in letting the whole Spirit of us be the power and presence wherever we are and in whatever we set our mind and heart to.

The Universal Spirit and our innate God nature are one and blessing us now. We are so grateful, Amen

For further support you may go to the Truth Messages Category to the Truth Message entitled “Living in the Now” dated August 19, 2015.

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