“Goodness is uneventful. It does not flash, it glows.” —David Grayson

Sometimes, I believe, every one of us gets caught up in the negative of things. Whether it be a family member acting out, a captivating yet negative news report or reports, or our own attitude gets low, negatively shadowed.

There is much more to life than negative news, the ‘missing the mark’  behavior of a loved one, or our own down-trodden attitude. I know a friend who recently became negative. They felt the United States was falling apart. She came to me for help. She knew I was traditionally a born optimist.

We began to share–she first let me in on her sour mood and the many reasons she attributed to her low mind set. Then we paused in the silence for some moments. Thereafter I recounted a story to her and offered her a revised outlook. I told how my Dad had a burning desire at 21 years of age to come to America. What a vision of greatness he held for this Country. He endured some hardship in his travels out of Germany in the pre-Hitler days.

Yet he kept on with his dream even though the last minute two of his German friends decided to bail out and not make the boat trip to the USA. He came alone once he got past all the hoops he had to jump to do so. He arrived at Ellis Island filled with an undaunted attitude and big hopes and dreams. He already had a job waiting as an Estate’s chief Landscaper and Horticulturalist.

By the way, when he arrived in this new Country, the great depression hit. Funny thing, my father thrived. He felt he was in heaven–so many opportunities. The difference was his attitude. In spite of tough times, he kept focused on the good, met with good, and created a great life. His story has always motivated me. Likewise, it renewed the friend’s spirit that day.

There are many such stories–probably you are a shining example of one. Perhaps a family member has risen from the so-called pits and gone onto unfold their wonderful potential. There are abundant stories of people who have met with unbelievable hardship who have pulled themselves up and followed a glowing light within them and in the world. There is always good present because God and Divine good never forsakes us and is present in all people and situations.

Let us be troopers of good news, the pure. Lets look to the power within the family member that may be acting in less-than good ways. There is a beloved song entitled *”I Behold the Christ in You” by Frank B. Whitney. Sing this uplifting song as a prayer beholding the Divine light in a loved one needing special prayer and positive-filled vibes. Sing or say the song while looking in the mirror relating the Truth about you!

Find good news today. It is present within seniors. Each senior member I have listened to has a heroic story to relate–either their own or a close person to them. Why is that? Because positivity abounds. It’s so interesting how our pets always greet us with joy. They dance within and most of the time in the outer upon our return to their side. Regardless of anything, we need to take our cue from these all-loving pets. They have something inside of them that keeps on loving and knowing the good.

We can be unshakable optimists. When we are we feel much better; and we attract mighty things with such healthy and uplifting attitudes. People literally prosper more in the atmosphere of an uplifted attitude–we work better, see opportunities clearly, and think and create more effectively.

So find at least three uplifting good news reports or stories today. Read about people who have discovered and used the strength within themselves to overcome and triumph in the face of big challenges and handicaps. We are overcomers. The apostle Paul sums up why–“Which is Christ in you the hope of glory” –Colossians 1:27. As we recall, the Christ in us is our inherent Divine Light and Nature of God.

God bless you dear one. You are an expression of light, love, and deep wisdom–a natural overcomer by right of your rich vibrant Spirit of God within you. We are so grateful, Amen. *A companion Prayer is in ‘Prayer of the day’ category.

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