The Nature of God as Omnipresence and Personal
Daily Inspiration: Where is God? God is not a person, place, or the things we see. Still, God, the Divine is in the person, all places, and the dazzling substance making up all things.
The Universal Spirit which is another name for God is Omnipresence and translates as being everywhere present. There is not a place, spot, or person absent from the presence of God. God is Omnipotence–which describes the full potency and power of God within each human, which is also the omnipresence of power that moves a hurricane over water and land, and is the essence of life powering through our, yours and my every movement and activity. Hence, God or Divine Spirit is therefore in us and surrounding and indwelling all that is on the earth and beyond into Infinity.
As well, God, the Source is Omniscience, meaning Spirit is all-knowing and is the inventor, the intelligence, the knowledge, wisdom and understanding uniquely as each one of us and within all of life. There is an all-comprehending power inherent as the light of our mind and the resourcefulness of the human character.
As an example, let’s look at the Prayer for Protection with deeper meaning, with the insight of God manifesting through us, around us, ever-present with us: The Light of God surrounds us; we are the light of God; the Love of God enfolds us; we are that love of God; The Power of God protects us; we are God powered and supported; The Presence of God watches over us; The presence of God encircles us; Wherever we are God is, as the Divinity with and within us, and all is well, Amen.