Inspiration does not depend on education level, economic situations, or whether we live alone, with someone, or many. It comes from within and may or may not be motivated by outer things. Inspiration is the flow of an uplifting Divine spiritual energy, renewed aliveness, and motivation within us to move forward into action.

What promotes inspiration to flow in us?

Spirit is the energy and life inside each of us. The Online Etymology Dictionary states the simple “act of inhaling,” of breathing can circulate energy and promote a feeling of inspiration and greater life. Being inspired can cause a chain reaction in our minds and hearts. Then we have a recipe for inspiration, which will out-picture through creative action.

The experience of being inspired can come in various ways–through insight, a sudden flash of clarity, from a dream, a vision, or thoughts. Our intuition can bring clear guidance, direction, clarity, know how, and insight into a person, place, or thing. The blessing of inspiration moving through us can bring new ideas and the motivation to carry them out. Inspiration is the gift of a Divine Creative potential being born anew in us. Likewise, inspiration is an exciting expression of the Divine movement in us.

Inspiration can come before, during, or after action. For instance, sometimes we express unconditional love in some way. Perhaps we give an anonymous gift or buy someone’s groceries secretly, or volunteer in some needed way. We feel good; we feel positive. We receive needed insight into solving a personal problem. Acts of giving can bring on moments of inspiration. Or at the very least promote a sense of satisfaction and joy within oneself.

On the other hand, asking for greater prosperity and ideas that bring about increased good, invite inspiration to come forth through us to be put into action.  A mind poised to receive Divine Inspiration is an open mind to receive inspiring ideas. Here are some additional avenues that call forth inspiration.

Sitting in the Silence of prayer, in nature, alone, with another person, or group can promote inspiration within you and/or the other person or group. Taking a walk in nature; becoming still for a God break (moments focused on God); sitting watching the sunrise or sunset; perched at the beach or staring at the waves all create an opening for inspiration. Being in a room filled with fragrances that delight or taking a walk in a flower, herb, or produce garden can bring on an improved attitude and the rush of Divine ideas.

In addition, going into prayer and a time of meditation, asking and waiting for Divine inspiration, both open the heart to receive Spirit and the qualities that bless and inspire. In any moment, we can pause, bringing to conscious recognition our Oneness with the unlimited wealth of Divine wisdom at hand. In that moment we can state our receptivity to the blessings of being filled with new life and new inspiration.

Be assured, inspiration is of the Spirit that indwells every one of us. We are spiritual beings who get inspired. We may cooperate with the highest energy and aliveness within us—the Divine Presence and Power, God–and become inspired.

Things of the Spirit come from the Source of all goodness.  Therefore, when we act on our Divine inspirations we are creating an environment to bring about good for ourselves and others.  Be Inspired!

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