Finding a Pleasing Balance in our Lives
“May you find the balance of life, time for work but also time for play. Too much of one thing ends up creating stress that no one needs in their life.” –Catherine Pulsifer
Ah, to find a pleasing balance in our lives. We each decide. It is best to choose consciously rather than have life just randomly plop things in our lives. Also, there is a difference between human living and activity-inactivity and divine living and activity-inactivity. Surely, there are things we each need to do daily to maintain our life.
Yet, for our lives to be fulfilling and balanced by a power beyond and including our human expression requires spiritual guidance, the wisdom of our spirit indwelling. There is a need to open to the communication of our Divine Spirit. Our inner sacred nature knows us better than we know ourselves. We want to close that gap and listen to our heart’s quiet yet definite message. A feeling or an idea perpetually rising from within is direction and light that wants to be heard and acknowledged. It can be a stabilizing idea wanting us to follow for a more balanced, wholesome life.
Perhaps we feel our life is in balance. Or perhaps it is lacking something with too much or too little of something going on. For us to ‘find the balance of life’ as Catherine writes of, we wakeup to ourselves. We use the very imbalance to bring harmony and a more satisfying pace and flow to our life. So listen up beyond the human noise and voice, to the telling heart and repeating inner feelings, hunches, and desires. Our dreams seek to balance us too. Are they guiding you in some manner? Give attention to the nudges within. What direction are they pointing to? It is helpful to write your insights and inspirations down.
There are qualities and essentials to balanced living. One would be joy, another, lightheartedness, with fun and laughter. Also, our work or business would be meaningful to us. Our occupation and chosen work is satisfying when we enjoy the work and it stretches us, requiring us to grow beyond yesterday.
What is your inner light filled spirit asking for. Remember you are innately whole, well, and balanced. As our life unfolds it may get out of sync, become imbalanced like a washing machine and begin to clang and wobble to get our attention. It simply is a need for rebalancing. You have what it takes–within you is all the wisdom, know-how, passion and love necessary–to return to balance, joy, and harmonious living.
Affirmation: I listen up within for the guiding spirit, relating where and how to balance my precious daily life.
For continued support go to Prayer of the Day dated 9.5.15, “The Precious Gift of Inner Divine Guidance.” Also Prayer of the Day dated 6.13.15, “I am Illumined.”