Life is its own energy. It is autonomous and not dependent on appearances or what seems to be. This is a thankful truth. For if the life stream within us was influenced by what things look like, we would never heal. The life force within is independent from outer things for the reason that it is not from that which is material in nature. Yet life is clothed with a body. However we are much more than flesh, bones, and blood. The life living each one of us is an essence and of pure light and energy. It also certainly may be beyond words or descriptions. 

In addition, we point to life as the stream of activities and circumstances around us. The things we do and what fills our life day by day are referred to as life unfolding.  If you are drawn to you most likely have come to know life is more than appearances and a succession of events. We come to know the beating of our heart and the progression of our lives are dependent on a wonderful something beyond appearances and certainly greater than the definitions and language we use to explain the unseen that lives us and is us.

When Joel Goldsmith spoke or wrote his quote–“life is not at the mercy of matter, ” he was getting at a deeper reality than that which we can see. In other words, when things get crazy in our lives; when divorce happens, upset, quarrel, loss, sickness, and so on, we intuitively or instinctively search for that which is invisible for stability. Challenges seem to worsen when we compound the rough periods of our lives by our search to heal through outer means and visible things we can hold onto. (Albeit, sometimes a temporary help along the way.) When the essence of true security is finding the inner source of sturdy and steady power, the sure life essence of ourselves. 

Thereby, the invisible source of true strength within us provides the stabilizing component and companionship we need on the road of recovery from the so called traumas in life. This is what I believe Joel Goldsmith is saying–matter is an inferior way of healing and to open to invisibility inside us beyond materiality. 

For instance, a quality beyond the seen realm is love an invisible power originating and illuminating from an inner life essence and source of our being. This source is untouched by the outer ups and downs and uneven places of our lives. It is a steady loving presence and the healer within each one of us.

An affirmative Choice: I seek and unify with an inner Source of undaunted power and nourishment. I am free from searching in the outer for quick fixes. I steadily turn within in letting go to a higher vibration and a clear all-loving flow of life which supports and upholds my entire nature.     

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