The good news is the antagonistic energy inside us diminishes with each light-filled divine thought, prayer, affirmation, feeling and belief. With each act of love the antagonist melts some more converted into pure white light and love. If we think this may sound Pollyannaish; wait, I’m not finished with the message yet. With positive thinking we focus a good deal on the uplifting, inspirational and upbeat. 

However, life includes challenges, low feelings, hurt feelings, successes and failures, sadness and great joy, disappointments, rejections and betrayals. Life is full of triumphs as well as stumbles and crumbling things. When antagonistic energy is heard and rises within someone or in ourselves, it may not feel comfortable. Life could feel as if it were going in the wrong direction. We might yearn for support, advocacy and protagonist energy. We want a champion idea or champion in the flesh to appear.

Still, we will be happy to know we possess a champion spirit inside ourselves. In any antagonistic-type experience whether stemming from a person or circumstance, when we calm inside, tune into our inner adequate energy, we are guided aright–we act in proficient and progressive ways regardless of the noise of any opposing words, actions, energy or person(s).

Equally important, it is strengthening to our character and stamina when we meet with antagonistic energy. Certainly, one can go downhill quickly if the individual focuses too much on opposing situations. If our point of concentration is upon negativity we need to switch our attention away from the problem and onto the spiritual answer — seek higher ground within oneself or literally go apart somewhere. It is a good thing to have a favorite spot in nature to reconnect or a chapel somewhere to go sit. When we choose to move to higher ground in consciousness, the way and place will readily make itself known to us. Also, we have an inner temple within ever available at all times.  

In Prayer:  Entertain for a split second antagonistic vibes. What does it feel like…now begin to move in mind and heart from the disturbance to balance and harmony inside oneself. Center on a comfortable place within the body temple and within prayerful contemplation. Feel the poise of a quieted demeanor. Slow down the thoughts concentrating on one intention to steady inner being-ness with promoting ideas such as — all is well in this moment, no one or no thing can disturb the calm peace of my soul, that which is within me (divine power) can never be diminished. 

I stand on holy ground, established and rooted in my God being. There is one presence and power which is divine love and absolute goodness. Nothing to oppose or detract from me unless I give it power to do so–which I do not. I am one, I Am, I am one with divine Spirit, eternal presence and power and holy spirit energy and aliveness inside and out. I am powerful and pro-active in doing good and up-building things. I stand in the presence of pure being, God life and power. I am whole, well, positive and seeing the absolute good in persons, places and things.

No fear lives in me, fearlessness and faith are my constant companions inside and out. Nothing can oppose God as me since there are no opposites in God Nature. I am one with divine Spirit, I am whole and holy, Amen. Thankfulness fills my space and total being…

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