Part III Twelve Power Meditation–Understanding and Will
Making the transition and taking the blessings of power and imagination into thinking about the divine power of understanding in you. Understanding is the quality of a saving grace in extending compassion to another from your heart of understanding. You have more enriched and cooperative relationships when you seek to understand other people. It is more than human understanding. With the stimulating juices of consideration, harmony and love you decide to activate your understanding faculty.
In addition, Understanding sees to the heart of things–it provides you clarity and new light, a deeper knowing into a person’s motives and ways. Understanding can act as a renewing element in a relationship when one person sits in clear thought and asks to know someone more, to be able to see with new eyes and erase old barriers and beliefs held about another.
The power of understanding adds transforming light and wisdom to our life in decision making, interactions with others, in our service, creative work, and helps us understand ourselves, others and God more insightfully and fully. The power of understanding works with its companion, your executive quality, the divine power of will.
In meditation see your forehead light filled from the spiritual, holy light within you. You have truer understanding—revelations and realizations into things, people, challenges and events. You are lifted in consciousness and have a higher vista you are looking and living from. Give thanks that this is so.
Why do we study such things as the 12 powers and seek greater light within ourselves? Could it be an inner guidance system urging us to awaken more to the Christ idea, the spiritual image and identity within our individual nature. The power of will within is our start button for human doing and greater human development. That is well and good. Yet we have undeveloped potential and an inner something keeps prompting you and I–there is more to us. Or something happens in our lives in which we need more power, insight, strength, direction or willpower. In beginning a new job it takes a willingness to learn and understand all that is involved. Hence, we need an awakened will and greater understanding in using our immense powerhouse, the will.
Indeed, the power of will works in union with the understanding power inside you. Your will is like the CEO of your indwelling spiritual powers, the top executive directing, giving the authoritative orders and also getting into action, getting things done. For example, suppose you were writing a paper on organic foods versus commercially grown foods, the price differences and an evaluation as to the value of perhaps higher priced organic foods. There may be a need for expanded understanding into the subject matter. Gathering information and acquiring greater understanding. Then stirring up the willpower to get the paper done and on time.
Likewise, there are some decisions in life–really every decision–requiring our spiritual understanding. Such things as leaving or starting a relationship or job. Things in life beg for our higher insight and greater willpower. We align with the divine will in prayer, in asking for the higher will to be done within ourselves and in our lives. This is one good reason to study and deepen in knowledge and spirituality of our innate Christ or light-filled powers.
In prayer — I let go and ask the higher will to be done in me now. I am open to awakening more fully to the divine loving will of good. In any perplexing situation, job or relationship I ask within myself to become engaged with the divine will guided by light-filled understanding. Then any puzzlement eases, my way becomes clearer, and I feel energized to carry out the divine light given and pouring through me. Thank you insightful and ever-expanding understanding, love and willpower, Amen