Our Dreams, Part One of Three
“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” ~Edgar Cayce. Dreams are a significant part of our mind, emotions and consciousness. They take place for a reason: To relate something, to teach us, guide, process stored energy such as strong emotions, to heal and warn us. They are worthy of our time and attention.
Therefore, observing our dreams can offer expanded awareness into knowing ourselves. Making notes on and journaling about dreams help us remember and understand them. Then, reflecting on those dreams provide us with inner guidance and interpretive insight.
Not all dreaming provide us with advanced knowledge or are precognitive. Some can be. For instance, before the wall street crash of 2008/2009, I had a precognitive night dream when a prominent Unity minister in the dream warned me of my (little) wall street investments and advised me to sell. No matter, what small investments I had were important. When I awoke from the dream I felt shook up inside. What do I do with this, I asked myself? I studied it. Took it into prayer. Talked it over with myself. Felt the different energies about the issue of selling or holding on. I also listened within to my higher and wiser voice and other less mature voices of concern and fear. Discussing it with my marriage partner helped also.
Then, after sitting with the information and with more inner awareness and outer knowledge, I made a decision. At that time I did not sell. And as most of us may know, in time the U.S. stock market rebounded and I gained any losses. Whereby it would have taken much time to regain the losses if I would have sold at the bottom. Still, the dream had foretold of a sizeable drop in the stock market, and it was immanent. This is one example. We are each individual and so are our dreams and dream contents and subjects.
Nevertheless, with patience and sometimes quickly we receive blessings and benefits from noting and working with our dreams. Sometimes we receive visions and flashes of insight. With visual and spontaneous inner-knowing, understanding may seem easier and more quickly understood and more readily discernable. Nevertheless, dreams can provide us with rich insight, realizations, and important knowing.
Have fun investigating, recalling and discerning your dreams, visions, and pre-knowing.