The Love and Wisdom Partnership
In the solitude of love-saturated peace and wisdom within my being, I release any problems
and concerns, relaxing tension and letting go of any moment other than now…………………………….
I agree with the rejuvenating power of love and wisdom cooperating harmoniously
and synchronized together for a perfect rhythm of the experience of grace upon grace,
filling me from inside out and entering every area of my life.
I quiet the need for words, still my mind and take a meditative vacation
in the holy sanctuary indwelling………………………………….
I allow the blessedness of the cooperative powers of love and wisdom
to enrich my expression…………………………………
in the stillness I accept the presence
of magnificent wisdom and love working on my behalf in every way
and manifesting the best outcomes in what I touch and am
accountable for……………………………….
In the soothing silence I know wonderful blessings are unfolding
in my neighborhood, in my family and for each friend and person I meet…
God, the Divine Omnipresence, is before me, above me, alongside of me,
surrounding me and preparing the way ahead of my life experiences.
I breathe and let go giving thanks in the softness of the silence…………………………………
in the silence for a few minutes………………………………………
There are no limits to the partnership of love and wisdom, two Divine Powers
forever working within and everywhere in my life and activities:
I am thankful for the great healing and regeneration constantly at work in each one of us
through the divine powers of love and wisdom rhythmically flowing in our lives, Amen.