“A Planet at Peace”
As we guide our thoughts and rest our feelings, we let everything be the way it is. There are no emergencies in Spirit only Divine action and complete trust in God, our transformative power and love within our hearts, minds, body and activities.
We rest in the assurance what is being done is taking place for the greater good of life, of our neighbors, of our Country and for our planet.
Our life and planet earth are in our care, love and keeping. We also place our loving Earth in God’s care. And we act as called from within and respond as guidance directs.
Furthermore, we do not hesitate to do our part in the loving care of our home, planet Earth.
In the quiet we rest assured of Spiritual direction and solutions to every problem and concerning situations that arise for us personally and for the planet.
In the stillness we are given certainty all is well in our world, for ourselves, our dear ones and for each other. Faith rises from within us, we are strengthened, guided and at peace.
We do our part and care for our individual and collective wellness where we are and wherever we are, Amen. Affirmation: I go about living and breathing in thankfulness for the elements and conditions, making life thrive. I contribute to the well-being and wholeness of our planet.