Alone and Lonely–the Distinctions
When things shift and people in our lives go, when pets we have so grown close and accustomed to leave, our heart may ache, we may feel lonely. We can feel empty and as if something or someone is missing from our lives.
Being alone and feeling alone are different experiences. Being along can be a magnificent opportunity to connect with our divine nature and also our humanity. It can be a physical time of getting things done, being on our own schedule. Times of worship and communion with God alone can be deepening and holy.
However, when there are changes in our daily lives, leaving work, loved ones going away, or we move away. Dear neighbors and relatives come and go from our lives. Our children and family members go here and there. We miss them and feel empty or lonely. We may feel alone.
As children grow and go off to school, work, or get married, it might just be an empty time in our life, a big change to get accustomed to. There are blessings and benefits in everything even though we may not be attuned to it at moments of feeling lonely or alone.
To embrace the feeling of missing someone or something calms and lightens a heavy heart. We actually release loneliness as we open from within and feel it. We find the pain, distress or discomfort begins to dissipate. There are many remedies for loneliness.
Even though being alone can be enjoyable especially after a busy time. Aloneness can feel burdensome, no one there to share with and tell things to.
In expressing some things we can do, I do not intend to make light of the uncomfortable feelings that go with any aloneness and loneliness.
When feeling lonely, it is so helpful to connect with people and get out and socialize. Or, we can stay where we are and invite people to our home. A sure solution is to ask someone over for lunch, dinner or dessert. Or take food to someone–it is a happy way to fill our life with people. When we open and give of ourselves loneliness disappears. Also, as we may surely know, pets are another way to fill our lives with joy. There are pets waiting for us to welcome into our hearts.
So it is with people. We live in a world where loneliness is much too common. In reaching in and asking to be filled and restored in God’s ever-available love, we tap into an endless energy and avenue in which to give from.
Aloneness can be enriched when we renew in our relationship with the Divine Spirit of our nature and experience our Oneness and closeness with the sacred Divinity. Likewise, being alone can be time opening up for us to do those things we have yearned to do.
Guidance is ever-present and blessing you now if and when you find yourself alone or lonely. Our inner guide and comforter are forever present in our midst and will pour out through us and around us just what we need and require; be open to receive.