“Anytime Prayer”
I salute the divinity within me and indwelling all. Breathing more deeply, I take 3 or 4 full breaths reaching into the core of my abdomen. Giving thanks, I am appreciative for the beginning of spring–symbolic or actual, for the waking up and bursting out of new life of greenery and the world of nature. Simultaneously, I feel a new energy and aliveness inherent.
Sitting in quiet prayer for about a minute or two, I rest in the idea of renewal and doing nothing……………….
Harmonious with a new awakening of life, I realize a renewed aliveness motivated within me. In support of fresh life emerging inside, I promote thoughts, feelings and ideas synergistic with vitality and inner regeneration out-picturing. I say yes to divine good and no thanks to anything detracting from life, growth, peace and love.
I enjoy springtime as well as flowing with changes cropping up day by day. I let the life force and intelligence of my being guide and bless through me. In the fullness of gratitude I surrender to the divine essence that lives in and around me. Too, I honor the vigor of life within every one, all of nature and everywhere present, Amen.