Awakening to the Divine Power of Love that Heals
Awaken to the Divine power of love that heals and harmonizes–When there is a need to forgive, in difficult, inharmonious or estranged relationships, with any healing need, join with the power of Universal and limitless love within your heart and consciousness. Love is not far from us. Even though at times it seems distant. We distance ourselves from love through agitation and fear. Love never leaves us or forsakes us. There is a heavenly loyalty and all-healing ability within and as the power of Divine love in and around everyone and all things.
As I tune into and think about Divine love, I open like a dry pond receives water. I am filled with renewed understanding and faith in the presence and power of love which is always a faithful companion with and inside me. I begin to express an unattached love. I start remembering what unconditional love is. I honor the intelligent power love is and knows. I know love in place of fear, worry, or upset, letting Universal love renew my faith and strength, belief and optimism. Love is God; God is love. It emanates, restores, mending people and broken dreams. I unite with Divine Love and loose it to do its perfect work in me and in the areas of my life needing renewal and rebirth. In gratitude, Amen.