Cafe–Prosperity Regardless
“If the Prosperous Truth is meant for me (and it surely is) it is meant for all, Amen.”
I was reading over the Daily Word of the Day when a sentence popped out at me and struck a vital ‘abundance Truth’ within me. The sentence is: “(I) remain centered and poised in the (middle) of any and all situations.” –DailyWord.
I was reminded of the many, many folks in our government, even contract or temporary workers for the United States government—their pay has been cut off. It brought forward in me memories when my husband would experience threats and discouragements of lay-offs or stock investment prices plummeting in the company he was working for and invested in.
This scenario repeated itself. Until one day it awakened something within me. I determined to find the Truth about prosperity and drop the nonsense of dependence on the changeable fluctuations of worldly prosperity Sources.
When we are brave and decide to hook up with the Divine Absolute and the Prosperity Laws and Truths, it is our day of freedom. And if continued we become free from our tenacious hold of Sources of Good outside of ourselves. In addition, prosperity practices and principles have to be affirmed and incorporated into our lives on a daily basis. How?
We let go of something or someone in the outer being our sole support and supply. We remain grateful for our jobs, investments and sources of supply. However, we pivot away from dependence on these outer sources.
We instead, praise the Source of abundant good alive in the center of our being. Then, we have the Divine Source become our stabilizer and unfailing Source, uninterrupted, flowing into and through our experiences and expressions every moment.
Further, Practice and read prosperous Truth ideas every day. Know them in our hearts especially when contrary thoughts come to mind. For instance, appearances of lack and interruptions in pay or savings, even decrease amounts in our wallets. Turn.
Bring attention to the Truth in our midst: The absolute rock-solid faith in God, Divine everywhere present Source as our immediate, instant and continuous flow of material, physical and actual Sources of tangible money and goods we need now! We know the prosperous Truth for everyone of these government employees, for everyone affected by the USA shutdown:
Our, their, true Source keeps flowing, continuously providing for their and (our) every need, tangible, intangible and actual material and spiritual needs and requirements. This is the Absolute Truth in God as our unfailing, quick and present as our Now Abundant Source of all-good. The prosperous Truth instantly and eternally manifests through me, in and around me now. Amen.
I know this truth for myself, my family, neighbors, for one and all. So we choose to live from the prosperous reality, Amen.