Clutter No More
When we think of clutter in our home or work place, the idea may bring up an image in our mind of the time wasted trying to locate something, pressing paperwork, an important document, or needed information. Digging through clutter is a time eater. I know a friend who spent hours looking for a document required to retrieve money from an old insurance policy. The friend procrastinated and did not act initially when contacted by the insurance company.
We can master clutter with some easy habits to bring into our daily routine. First, handle the day’s mail situated near a waste paper basket and the same day the mail is delivered. The intention is to handle a piece of paper or an item once or as few times as possible–to take care of it the same day is best–or as soon as we can.
Cultivate a life style of Keeping Things Simple and our way of Living Simplified. I do not know how many times my husband and I have wanted more than two cars. Until a light blinks in my mind–triple the money invested, including operating costs and storage space. I ask a valuable question, “Do we really need it?” The answer comes up the same each time, NO!
In addition, acquire the art of underspending and slim down your personal wardrobe. The idea of less is more will declutter our closets. To master a clutter-no-more life, we need to go through our closets and give away those clothes we are hoping will come into style or fit us again some day or another procrastinating reason. “I declutter my closet post-haste.” Think of the happy recipients of the clothes you give away. Most of us have well-run resale shops in our communities. They need our excess to put into circulation.
Furthermore, KonMari at: KonMari recommends we ask ourselves a question about every piece of clothing we have in our closet and for that matter any object in our life–“Does it bring me joy?” The article of clothing may have brought us joy and does not now. Let it go then to bring someone else happiness. Check out the KonMari page where she offers 5 “life changing ideas” for a clutter-free lifestyle.
Recycle as much as possible. Junk mail, plastic and glass items, paper, cans, plastic bottles and bags, and larger items—it helps dejunk the environment. There are many things around our homes waiting to be recycled and put back into use. Living a prosperous life includes being in the flow of circulating good–money, things, good-will, truth and uplifting words and principles, smiles, and random acts of kindness……and on and on. As we circulate substance we stay energized with space available to receive in abundance.
How about old and unused electronic devices, computers, cell phones, lawn mowers and such. We have furniture in our homes waiting to be recycled. Recycle these items. They take up space. Ask the question–“Does it bring me joy?” A simplified life-style includes the beauty of uncluttered space and being comfortable with it. Homes show their radiance when uncluttered.
What about our cars? They can accumulate junk. It is a pleasure to get in a clean and uncluttered vehicle. We can have that experience by deciding to.
Junk attracts more junk according to the way the law of attraction works and also in accordance to Don Aslett author of Clutter’s Last Stand. He has great ideas in the book.
My purpose in this writing is to get us going in “de-junking” our places we frequent and our lives. We draw more ideas to put into practice as we commit to declutter.
We can bring fresh air to our homes and beautify our surroundings without spending money when we simplify and eliminate clutter by choosing to live in beauty and spaciousness.