Creating an Environment of Contentment
Have you left the house feeling great and come back in a lower mood. Traffic, crowds, over stimulus, revved up energy and long lines in stores can contribute to energy drain and a shift downward in our mood. Elvis put it this way–“Those people in New York are not gonna change me none.” Being from the Northeast I’ve come to appreciate and accept New Yorkers with their fast talk and crazy pace. Yet they have kind hearts and will help you when you need it. Besides who is in command of how we feel or what our mood is? As individuals, we hold the key to how we feel and what mental/emotional state we are experiencing. Our greatest power is within.
Still, humans have an effect on each other. We are influenced by people. There is that side to our nature. In the study and practice of New Though Truth we learn about our inner power. We come to realize there is a strength and potential in us to rise up, to be unscathed by outer conditions and people, and to live from the center of autonomy and spiritual initiative God-given inside us. It feels rewarding when we do.
Nonetheless, each of us can get frustrated by people and situations in the outer. Loving and supporting ourselves in the best of times and in the worst of times are some of the best remedies we can apply to return to our poised, joyous nature.
Would you join me in a brief centering practice: I follow the highest light of my being and turn from outer things and go inward. I may picture going into a cozy room or an imaginary place I’ve designed overlooking a favorite scene with a breathtaking view and containing very comfortable things, a heavenly recliner and the most soothing comforter I have ever draped over me. I am safe and secure; and I am snuggled up and gaze out the windows to total beauty–sipping a cup of calming herbal tea combined with the transcendent view, lifting me to a divine elevation in body, heart and mind. I enjoy the room and the tranquil surroundings, including my orange fluffy cat on the corner floor pillow naturally curled in the warmth of bliss.
I realize anew, I have the capacity to unite with a comfortable state ever-present inside me. I keep the remembrance of this close–the ability to restore and create an environment of contentment, beauty and coziness, imaginary or manifested reality. Thank you dear Spirit for creativity and resilience placed in each one of us, Amen