Sometimes our own; then at other times decisions of others affect us. Many opportunities come up in life and we have decisions and choices to make. Since we live in a constant dynamic of interpersonal relations and choices in our own lives, decisions can be numerous and regular for the individual person.
Not to mention group and work related decisions. We are continuously in the process of making decisions for ourselves and sometimes on behalf of others. The quantity of decision making we personally do and those outside of ourselves have significant influence on us.
Think of government, local and national, plus corporate decisions alone. At this point, let’s get personal. How about the process of making our own.
Making decisions can sometimes be an agonizing process or simple one, two three. It helps to add a sense of ease to the process in our decision making, the simple to more complex ones.
It’s best to get in a relaxed state. Sometimes we are driving or doing something and also deciding . Relax as much as conveniently and safely as we can. Then we want to lift from within and have faith in ourselves and in the activity of decision making.
The process for the highest and best choices is to unify with Divinity within our mind and feeling nature also known as our heart wisdom. We want to include and bring in all of us in decision making—our good sense or common sense; our Divine presence and power as and within us; and our knowledge and intuition.
What are our feelings relating to us? Listen, feel. Also after we make the choice or decision pay attention to how we feel about it. Our senses and feelings will report whether it agrees with us or not. If disagreeable, look at what needs to be rethought, revised or re-decided. Relax, breathe, rethink and explore our feelings fully once again. Decision making is a creative endeavor.
We can re-decide. The process of decision making in itself is a teacher. We gain more insight into the decision we really want to make. Or feel good about the one or ones we have made. Certainly to know we can’t make a wrong decision eases our minds. We might disagree.
However, we can revised our decision and choose one or ones which report good feedback from inside us and are in line with what we think and feel satisfied with. We want our decisions to feel reasonable, doable and agree with our inner feedback system, intuitive sense and our state of inner calm and happiness.
I present an example of decision making: After the completion of a paper I presented to the lead supervisor in hopes of publication, I had a personal consultation with him to give his honest observations and recommendations on my written piece. The appointment went fine.
It was after the private meeting when I felt anxious about the time allotted for the completion of the changes on the paper which the supervisor suggested. I was given two days to make many changes, some time consuming. I was unsettled and not at ease within myself.
The inner feeling was fear, too much in too little time and overall anxiety about mainly the time. I was OK with the changes. They would take creative time to do. I sat with it all. Then decided to let the lead supervisor know I needed more time for completion of the needed revision.
I followed through and extended time was granted to do the revision. Immediately I felt relief along with the return of creative energy and motivation to make the needed changes.
We have an invaluable response system, a reporting system made up of a body of feelings and senses, intelligence and experience, wisdom and know-how: An inner guidance of truthfulness and what is in accord with the work at hand and our inner state of being. These inner and also outer resources readily available, serve to provide the information required to confirm, change or move forward with decisions.