“Experiencing the Kingdom”
In case we do not already know, we do not have to die to experience the Kingdom Divine.
Christianity’s Way-Shower spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven within us, in our midst. Stating it was not far off or in the sky somewhere. We might wonder how to experience or have a relationship with the Kingdom of God in our midst. It is a yearning within every person, whether known consciously or unconsciously.
Most likely, we each have individual ways of experiencing God’s presence or kingdom. What is one person’s happening may not be the same for another. We are each unique in our companionship with the Divine Presence.
What helps I have found: Abiding in a sacred word or living from a quality we know to be packed with spiritual and higher vibrant energy — such as, Christ love, forgiving, life, grace, presence, generosity, appreciation, chanting, singing affirmations of Truth, in prayer, having great need or great yearning, being gifted or receive without effort something meaningful and of worth.
Hence, resting in a holy word can bring us into a feeling of closeness with God. Expressing and letting a divine idea work through us in our actions such as being grateful or the awesome quality of extending grace to another bring us into the state of heavenly vibes.
Breathing slowly or rhythmically serves to open us and to feel a power so loving and beyond the human doing. The presence experienced does after all come to us and through us by grace. We feel and are changed for the better. Maybe even overwhelmed.
Prayer, meditation, serving others with all our heart and giving them our undivided attention can’t help but bring on an experience of contentment, bliss, intimacy and the feeling of complete wellness.
Wanting, thinking and feeling things of the mighty yet tender power beyond our earthly capacity are the invitation and heart set to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven via knowing and experiencing.
Have a mantra such as — the Kingdom of God is in my midst. Or, ‘God, I know you are with me.’ Whether I am aware of it or not, God and I are forever one. How else could we feel love’s power for no obvious reason. We always deserve God’s closeness, companionship and blessings. We deserve spiritual insight. Simply ask with a child-like attitude of receptivity and innocence. Too, it may easily happen in an instant.
When we give random acts of spontaneous kindness or give with no strings attached, as selfless giving we feel higher than the normal earth — we are on higher ground within and in an experiential way. For having our divine connection, the infinite nature inherent and with us is the greatest gift and quality we have. All goodness and divine attributes flow from knowing, feeling and sensing the presence of God.
This is what the woman in the New Testament must have understood when she touched the hem of the garment of Jesus and was instantly healed. It is possible and here for us individually to feel worthy and ready for the divine to be known in and around us.
Blessings to you dear one in your openness to a realization of God’s presence and the all-ness therein.