“I experience your wisdom, my God, which not only does not condemn me as a miserable sinner, but sweetly feeds me with distinct desire.” —Nicolas of Cusa, Theologian and Philosopher

Affirmative of Truth: I free my language and mind from all ridicule and diminishing thoughts, feelings, or ideas. I cease with any disparaging or devaluing speech or notion toward myself and others.

With assertive power and spiritual finesse, I express the passion within self to live from love, self-acceptance, and an undisturbed countenance. Like a classic affirmation states: I remain undisturbed by outer conditions and calamities. I stand clear and unmoved.

I strengthen from within in living from a peaceful state of being through regular periods of relaxing my spirit, mind, and whole self. With consistency, I let go of tension, irritation, and stress. Reestablishing my selfhood in an abode of love, contentment, and peaceableness. Brief times of meditation, prayer, and soothing, healing affirmations, fortified with tuning into the spiritual stream of unconditional love, bolster my intention and inclination of radiating a peaceful vibe and presence of mind.

As I care for my health and appearance, I also ready my inner self with ample moments of opening and living from divine pure love. I prepare inside and out with loving care, becoming immersed in the spiritual state of being–God love, untainted, undiluted, emancipating respect, high regard, and love without conditions or bounds.

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