Grief, Part I
Something common to every human being is the experience of grieving a loss, whether a person or people, a place or places and things in the manifest world. We grieve when something or someone goes from our life.
Grief usually rises in us when we were intimately connected to what or who is no longer there. The more final the loss, the more intensity the grief. Grieving is actually healthy for humans to do.
If we do not grieve what was of great value to us, we carry the submerged energy around with us. We may feel stuck inside ourselves and feel an energy drain. Therefore it is healthy, wise and worthwhile to grieve that which we have lost.
When we are supporting ourselves or another, when we are grieving or comforting someone while they are mourning, two things primarily are important: Listen to the person who is sorrowful. Give them space to share, talk, express.
If we are grieving, it is helpful to listen to our inner conversation, take note of our feelings when they stir and arise. Embrace the grieving process in oneself and also the grief of others.
Highly respect grief. It is the ability for us to process something important to us, someone significant to us; and now the relationship, thing or attachment is gone. It is a heartache to be felt, thought about, even write on or create something resembling the grief felt inside.
Hold the sacred space (holy space) for yourself, another or others to grieve. Sacred space is when we are moved with compassion and devotion to maintain a God-filled mind and heart set. Pray silently or aloud and connect with ease as deeply as we can with God’s loving nature and presence.