I am Thankful
I am thankful for my Oneness with God and with loved ones, friends, relatives, neighbors, for having a meaningful purpose and an avenue for the expression of the call to give.
I am grateful for the dearest ones in my life–for how they help me grow, how they challenge me, and how they love me. I am so happy to give and receive love from my family and generally from everyone and everything.
I am grateful for the desire to be thankful. My life would feel empty without gratitude rising up within and in giving thanks or showing appreciation.
It is fun and transformative to put action in thankfulness. It surprises and uplifts people to show appreciation, to receive the blessings of showing gratitude.
I am grateful for the mighty healing component in being thankful.
In quieter moments now I feel gratitude and am with the essence and flavor of being in gratefulness.
I rest in the energy of gratitude…………….
If someone or something needs my prayers–I lift up in gratitude that the individual or the situation is being blessed in and by the energy of God love and my feeling of gratitude for divine love and thankfulness, for my compassion in knowing Divine Spirit uplifts and loves to wholeness the individual and situation I hold in God’s graces now…………………………….
For that which enlightens, emancipates, and liberates I am grateful.
In thankfulness that the divine Presence has heard me, I am peace-filled, Amen