I Forgive
I am ready and willing to forgive first by preparing consciousness for the fullness of love and grace to be known within and through me. I may read the Lord’s prayer or recall Bible verses on forgiveness.
I begin to breathe more deeply until there is a feeling of being united with my whole self–body, mind and spirit. My body mind and spirit become as one.
What prepares the way and helps engage my spirit with the inner potency of Divine Love–taking an imaginary walk having the qualities and realism of a genuine experience—The Divine guide within leads me onto a grassy knoll–a beautiful kept lawn. I am safe here; it is on the property of a welcoming monastery. I continue walking, filling with the fresh air and being inspired and even transformed by the beauty of the landscape. I walk up a mound and find–
A radiant light filled-person sitting there, he feels like Buddha or Jesus. Or, she could be Mother Teresa or Saint Hildegard de Bingen. I join with the Essence of great spiritual dimension and love. There now is a circle of radiant love coming over me. Loves palpable power enfolds me as I feel saturated in holy love.
I sit by the chosen spiritual advanced soul and we join in oneness of purpose as I hear the Truth resound through my heart–there is only God. Perfect love casts out anything unlike Divine love. As I join with love’s forgiveness and release, I experience a freeing light, purifying my whole being, mind, heart, soul, emotions and feeling nature, past, present and future. I Am anointed by loves power.
In the circle of radiant love, I am every wit whole; and I forgive wholly and fully everyone who I have held in unforgiveness. I pause in the silence of the experience.
I bow to, then kiss the hand of the way-shower. There is an undivided unity with the holy Being standing before me. I am captivated for a time in the awesomeness of love’s power………………………
The power to heal has harmonized within me. I am able to freely forgive, erasing any error thoughts, feelings and ideas. I feel spiritually empowered, revitalized in the Spirit of love’s potency. I am cleansed, restored in love’s enduring nature. Along with this, there is a mystical understanding and recognition of Divine love’s presence as the only power and reality within everyone and everything I have forgiven. This does not come from my human mind, I perceive this as so through the Divine radiant love and light encircling and indwelling me. Love is everywhere present, I am in the midst of love; love is the Truth of my nature, the liberating power within and about me. I am knowing this realized Truth for every being on earth. In thankfulness, Amen.